StratoAttack Round One

_DSC2108 If autocross is what I’ve always said to be the first step into motorsport, then lapping events would naturally be what comes after. The gap between an autocross and a full lapping event though can be larger than one might initially think however; you go from 70 second runs to all of a sudden running 20 minute sessions, usually anywhere from three to four times a day. This means taking more care of both your car and yourself, and often leaves little room for things to be overlooked. There is certainly a lot to consider for your first track day, and to your average newcomer, a sense of intimidation is only to be expected, so when DMS Timing announced a new series of track events called StratoAttack, I thought that this filled a rather interested gap in motorsports.

Unlike the name may suggest, StratoAttack is not a full on time attack event; rather, it is a point A to point B sprint against the clock (or other drivers if you’re looking to take home one of the rather special RA Motorsports awards). Just like autocross, each run lasts an average of 70 seconds or so, but this time there are no cones to dodge or avoid on track, and there are breaks in between your runs to let both you and your car cool down. The track is wide open as it would be under normal conditions, and it is up the driver to navigate through it as quickly as possible, and then try all over again. It’s almost like a teaser for a track day if you will.

The first StratoAttack event went off without any major issues, and with THELORDOFGRILLS food truck on the scene to provide some grub, it was a great way to spend a Thursday evening. See you all at the next one!





























































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